October 6, 2008


episode 13: aNNIVERSARY

Yes, it's been one year since the first RNH podcast.  This episode is dedicated to all the fans, without you all of this wouldn't have been possible. Here's to another year, and beyond!



Direct Download:
20 MB .m4a audio file - Click Here

September 28, 2008



Guest star Cameron Edmonson (pictured to the left) joins the bots for an afternoon full of arousing discussion.



Direct Download:
20 MB .m4a audio file - Click Here

September 20, 2008


episode 11: rOBOT nOISE pOWER hOUR

Coming back stronger than ever! Great show, "the robot" is back, and we don't talk about sharting at all!



Direct Download:
20 MB .m4a audio file - Click Here

July 24, 2008


episode 10: rOBOT dRUNK hOUR eR ER Rr eR

So, yeah. This is without a shadow of a doubt, the best RNH EVA! A lot of shit has gone down since the last podcast, and this podcast contains  some of that shit (but it is all shit). Recorded on the night of my graduation on May 30, 2008, this is the best 49 minutes you can spend with your iPod.



Direct Download:
20 MB .m4a audio file - Click Here

July 4, 2008


Happy 4th of July!

Pretty much the best fight scene ever.

June 19, 2008


Another Reason to Love the Internet

It's a widely known fact that the internet is for porn. At least that's how it began. Now the internet is mostly a way for nerds to fulfill their fantasies of having a meaningful existence. That said, you have to admit that nerds can do wonderful things on the internet.

In this case, it's Japanese nerds (the same kind that invented robots), bringing us a wonderful site filled with thousands of streaming TV episodes and movies. The site is http://www.surfthechannel.com/. The site is excellent as long as you can navigate around the nerd comments that intend to spoil the movie you are about to watch. For example, I began watching "The Happening" and accidentally read a comment that completely spoiled the movie...fortunately it's a terrible movie and this comment saved me 2 hours of my life. However, the following comment was brilliant:

"This is the only way that I can visit a cinema, as I have to avoid confined spaces, as much as possible due to my weak immune system. I still get the enjoyment of a theatre, without the risk. I find the subject of this film interesting. M. Night Shylamar is like Serling and Hitchcock of our time."


June 2, 2008


ummm... yeah

so, blake keeps emailing me and telling me to blog something. and for the most part i got nothing on rusty's commentary, so i thought i just post a bunch of youtube videos my lame internet friends send me all day. quick way to kill a few minutes i guess.

1. "love in this club" i never liked this song till i saw this video. now, not only do i want to bone some club skank in a bathroom stall, but i also wanna quit my job, smoke resin balls all day and be in charge of the band at chuck-e-cheese

2. educational videos never hurt

3. the preakness horse races are notorious for drunken tomfollery. this annual event is called the running of the urinals. people toss full beer cans at them. whatever it takes to make horse racing fun i guess.

4. "it's still real to me dammit"

5. bring it home with some funk. Keni Burke "Risin to the top"

Copyright 2008 Robot Noise Hour